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The new RQube website has been launched. It is more self-explanatory than ever.

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The Features of RQube
  1. RQube is not constrained to a single purpose of randomization. It randomizes according to various experimental needs.
  2. RQube is easy to use. It allows researchers to create stimulus sequences in an uncomplicated manner, to make sure, that the items in the sequence are well distributed, and to minimize predictability.
  3. RQube is fast. It is possible to assign an individual trial sequence to every subject.
  4. RQube output can easily be implemented in E-Prime and Presentation
  5. RQube has four different high quality random number generators implemented for effective and reliable randomization
  6. RQube provides output about the characteristics of the sequences. It is possible to introduce sequence characteristics as covariate/ continuous predictor into the ANOVA.
  7. The authors provide an extensive documentation along with the program.

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